Sunday, January 25, 2009

Things I Observed On My Way Home From Mass This Morning

1. There was a smashed pumpkin in the intersection of Stockton and 39th. Seriously, who has been hanging onto a pumpkin for this long and what made them decide that last night was the night to let it go? What was left of it looked really moldy.

2. The 5 or so deflated Mylar balloons stuck in the branches of the tree next to the bus stop in front of the hospital have been there for over 6 months. And it's not like they're 40 feet up in the tree, they're about 8 feet off the ground. Hello, Maintenance? Can you take them down? They look really sad and depressing.


Captain Awesome said...

We have a ladder... be proactive.

Mara Campbell said...

Really? A pumpkin??? Somebody was totally procrastinating...